Austin Powers is a series of American satirical spy comedy films created by Mike Myers, who stars as the British spy Austin Powers as well as his arch-nemesis, Dr. Evil. The series consists of International Man of Mystery (1997), The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) and Goldmember (2002), all of which were directed by Jay Roach, and co-produced and released by New Line Cinema. The series is a satire of numerous films and characters, particularly the James Bond series and Jason King, and incorporates many other elements of popular culture as it follows a British spy's quest to bring down his nemesis. The character of Powers represents an archetype of 1960s Swinging London, with his advocacy of free love, his use of obscure impressions and his clothing style. The films also poke fun at the outrageous plots, rampant sexual innuendo, and one-dimensional stock characters associated with 1960s spy films.
Triple washed and ready for wear. Traditional silk screen on a 100% heavyweight cotton tee. No holes or stains. In good used condition.
- Boxy vintage fit
- 100% heavyweight cotton
- Triple washed and ready for wear
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