Ace of Base is a Swedish pop group, formed in 1987, originally consisting of siblings Jonas, Linn, and Jenny Berggren, with Ulf Ekberg. They achieved worldwide success following the release of their debut album, Happy Nation in 1992. Later re-issued as The Sign, it was certified nine times platinum in the United States and was the best-selling album of 1994. One of the most successful debut albums of all time, it was the first to produce three No. 1 singles on the Billboard Mainstream Top 40 chart: "All That She Wants", "The Sign" and "Don't Turn Around".
Triple washed and ready for wear. Featuring ultra soft 100% cotton. Shirt is super faded (dark gray). Heavyweight cotton, 90s boxy fit. In excellent used condition.
- Boxy vintage fit
- 100% heavyweight cotton
- Triple washed and ready for wear