Mulholland Drive (stylized as Mulholland Dr.) is a 2001 surrealist mystery film written and directed by David Lynch and starring Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Justin Theroux, Ann Miller, Mark Pellegrino, and Robert Forster. It tells the story of an aspiring actress named Betty Elms (Watts), newly arrived in Los Angeles, who meets and befriends an amnesiac woman (Harring) recovering from a car accident. The story follows several other vignettes and characters, including a Hollywood film director (Theroux).
Triple washed and ready for wear. Traditional silk screen on a 100% heavyweight cotton tee. No holes or stains. In excellent used condition. Made in USA.
- Boxy vintage fit
- Ribbed neckline
- Triple washed and ready for wear
Fabric & Composition
- 100% Cotton
- Made in USA